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Friendship - Respect - Success

Contributions & Charges

The Highgate Primary School Board has endorsed this new schedule of Contributions, Charges and Fees for 2024. This is in accordance with the Department of Education’s School Education Regulations, 2000 and School Education Act 1999.

Please find attached a schedule that clearly states all expenses you might incur in the 2024 academic year to assist with your forward planning. All amounts that have been included are maximum amounts and may be slightly less. This also means that there will be no other money requested from you during the year.

There are 4 areas of expense you may incur that are described below:

1. Contributions

According to School Education Act 1999, schools request a contribution of up to $60 per child from Kindergarten to Year 6. Though this contribution remains voluntary, the quality of our teaching and learning program will be maximised when each family makes its contribution.  The money collected from contributions will supplement funds gained from other sources including State and Commonwealth Government and be used to supplement school expenses. Your contribution extends the schools capacity to add value to your child’s learning experiences.

After careful consideration by the School Board, contributions continue at $60 per year per child. 

2. Voluntary Approved Request $25.00 per Family

To our P & C to ensure the sustainability of existing services (such as Koolbardi canteen and uniform shop) and to support the funding of initiatives and resources identified through the school community, which are not funded by the Department of Education.

3. Charges and Other Optional Costs

These charges only apply if students participate in the activity.  They are “pay as you go” and include school activities, excursions, and camps.  Though considered critical to the learning program, they do depend on parents paying for their child to participate.

4. Personal Use Items 

These are personal items that your child will need to have each school day.  They remain the property of your child.  This area includes the Requirements List or Book List, which differs each year. As some items are consumable, it may be necessary to replace some (e.g., pencils) throughout the year. This amount varies per child. Special classes e.g., attendance at PEAC classes or being included in an instrumental program, form part of this area.

As always, consideration will be made for parents experiencing financial difficulties.  Please discuss this matter with me.  For your convenience, please note that this letter and schedule can be discussed with you using an interpreter on request at the front office.

Please feel free to contact me if you need any clarification or have any queries.

Stephen Ivey
September 2023

Schedule of Contributions, Charges and Other Optional Costs 2024