Highgate Primary School has a mobile number (0438 963 172) for Student Absentee Texts. You will be able to send and receive TEXTS ONLY to this number. Please don't try to phone the number, it can only receive text messages. It is for student attendance only.
You can also advise absentees via:
- Telephone on 9253 2700
- Connect or Connect Now App
- Email: highgate.ps.absentees@education.wa.edu.au
Extended Absence or Leaving HPS:
If your child is going to be away from school for an extended period of time (or leaving the school permanently), written notification using the Student Leave Notice is required to be filled out and given to the Administration Office or emailed to Highgate.PS@education.wa.edu.au. This is a Department of Education requirement and will be forwarded to the Principal for approval.